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6-28-24 Project Update

Progress continues along Main Street with activities primarily focused on Phases 2 and 3. On Monday, Knife
Lake Concrete arrived in town and has placing concrete all week. Over the course of the week, they have
constructed sidewalk and driveways working their way west from Fourth Avenue West toward the
intersection of County Highways 34 and 51. Any concrete that is not constructed this week will be
constructed during the week of July 8th. This will keep the area clear for other activities along the roadway
during the shortened holiday week. If you have received new driveways along your property, please keep
vehicles off the new concrete for a minimum of seven days to allow for curing of the new concrete.
Also, early this week, detour signage was removed on the easterly portion of the project where Phase 1
construction occurred. Even through the detour is down, Ottertail Aggregate has been cleaning up the
topsoil and other materials behind the curb in the phase. Weather dependent, Lakes Country Landscaping
will begin turf establishment on the portions of the project ready for seed. If your boulevard receives new
seeding, please keep an eye out for information sent in future updates regarding the care for new lawns.
Ottertail Aggregate has continued to prepare the road base of Main Street from Fourth Avenue West to
County 34 and 51. Final aggregate placement occurred early this week with grading, compacting, and
prepping the roadway for pavement. This work will continue throughout the day today and possibly over
the weekend to prepare for next week’s construction.
Next week, Central Specialties will arrive in town to begin paving the bottom two courses of bituminous
pavement on Main Street in Phases 2 and 3. The plan is to start paving on Monday with the completion of
the pavement by end of day Wednesday. Similarly to Phase 1, the pavement will be left approximately 1
and ½ inch below the final paving grade, which will occur later in the project.
With the Fourth of July holiday next week, work will be limited to activities on Monday through
Wednesday. The weekly project update will be sent out on Wednesday next week, updating everyone on
the activities completed, and which portions of the roadway will be open for the Fourth of July Holiday.

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