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7-12-24 Project Update

Central Specialties and Ottertail Aggregate have been working on Phases 1, 2 & 3 throughout the week.
Early in the week, Central Specialties finished the second lift of pavement on Phases 2 and 3. Ottertail
Aggregate worked on all three phases, cutting existing pavement and preparing the subgrade for tie-ins to
driveways and parking lots. Central Specialties followed the work by Ottertail Aggregate by paving the
driveway tie-ins Tuesday through Thursday.
This morning, Knife Lake Concrete returned to the site to continue pouring sidewalk and driveways on the
westerly portion of Phase 3, from Eighth Avenue to the intersection of County 34 and 51. Knife Lake
anticipates completing the remaining concrete on the phase by the end of the day.
At the end of the day today, traffic signage will be slid to the side of the roadway to allow traffic through
the construction zone for the day.
Next week, Ottertail Aggregate will be shaping the boulevards and tie-ins behind the new sidewalk and
driveways preparing the boulevards for new turf establishment.
Late next week, the detours for Phases 2 and 3 will be removed and traffic will return to Main Street for
approximately a month before construction in Phase 4 begins.

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