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7-19-24 Project Update

Project cleanup has been the theme over the course of the week after sliding the barricades late last week.
Over the course of the week, Ottertail Aggregate has been working on boulevard grading and topsoil
placement in Phases 2 and 3, as well as filling in additional aggregate material behind the concrete
driveways that were poured last Friday. The last of the barricades and ribbons at driveways and other
streets have been slid aside, allowing for access to properties throughout Phases 2 and 3.
Next week, work will be minimal throughout the project. By mid-week, ITS will return to the site and
remove the signage and the detour from phases 2 and 3. Following the removal, traffic will return to Main
Street, with the exception of the truck detour which is directing truck traffic away from Main Street.
Lakes Country Landscaping has indicated they will be working on preparing the boulevards on Phases 1
through 3 for new turf establishment. Preparation for turf in Phase 1 will require additional work to
remove the existing weed growth prior to new seeding. The establishment of turf takes some time, so please be careful when working around the newly seeded areas. Per the contract, the contractor is
responsible for getting the turf going in the right direction, but lawn building takes years to fully establish.
In order to establish a healthy lawn, we ask for a little help from property owners following the contractor
fulfilling their requirements of the contract.

Please see the following tips regarding the care for new turf below.
• When mowing the grass for the first time, don’t mow until the grass blades lay over a bit.
Yes, it will be long, but it needs to be left undisturbed while initially growing. Adjust your
mowing height to two (2) – inches or higher than your normal height and gradually lower
your mowing height over the next couple of mowings.
• There may be some weeds that develop during the initial growing of the turf, these weeds
will subside as the turf underneath grows and will eventually disappear as the turf grass
thickens. Weeds will worsen if the turf is left unattended or cut too low.
• Water, water, water. Water the turf regularly for the first couple months. When the
weather is hot, the grass needs to be watered at least twice a week. When the temps are
cool, it should stay moist.
• The turf is fertilized before being installed, please do not fertilize until sixty days after
initial placement.
• When cleaning the roadway in the winter, the County uses some salt when sanding the
roadway. Watering the turf early next spring will help dilute any salt that has accumulated.

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