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9-13-24 Project Update

Construction continues on Seventh Avenue Southeast, County Highway 80 both east and west of the City,
and Phase 4 on the project. Throughout the week crews have continued in the various phases of the
project with differing activities in each Phase.
Downtown on Phase 4, Parson’s Electric has continued to prepare the First Avenue intersection for the
replacement of the signals. Throughout the week, various conduits have been run between the corners,
along with the pouring of the concrete piers that will hold the new signal poles. Outside of First Avenue,
R.L. Larson installed the last of the storm sewer early in the week that will assist in drainage following the
street construction. Following the completion of the storm sewer, they removed the remaining light pole
bases that were left from the previous system. Ottertail Aggregate has continued to remove the existing
subgrade material for the placement of the twelve inches of aggregate material that will provide a stable
base for the concrete curb and gutter and pavement. Knife Lake Concrete has delayed their arrival to the
site to allow for the preparation of all three remaining blocks of curb and gutter to be placed instead of
only one block this week.
On Thursday, Central Specialties arrived on the project, and began making pavement connections of
existing driveways in Phases 2 and 3. This morning, they paved the first course of pavement on Seventh
Avenue Southeast from Main Street to Third Street South and patched remaining areas around the project.
Outside of the City Limits, R.L. Larson has continued to work with All States Pavement Recycling by
completing the stabilizing reclamation on the west side of town on Thursday morning then shifted to the
east side near Highway 10. Work today will complete the stabilization from Highway 10 to approximately
900 feet west of 450th Avenue. The stabilizing reclamation includes the injection of an oil-based material
called an engineered emulsion, being hauled in by tankers from Virginia, which increases the strength of
the road base improving the ride quality.
Upcoming Activities
Next week on Phase 4, Ottertail Aggregate will continue hauling in the new aggregate base early in the
week and completing the construction of the road base from First Avenue to Fourth Avenue West.
Parson’s Electric will begin placing the conduits for lighting and tree base receptacles on the three blocks
before Knife Lake Concrete comes to town mid-week to begin constructing the curb and gutter on the
three blocks. There is a possibility that the remaining paver bricks will be removed from Phase 4 to allow
for the preparation for construction of the new sidewalks late next week. Prior to the removal of the
pavers, communication will occur with properties along the Phase regarding the use of front doors to allow
for grading and curing of the new sidewalks.
Main Street, Second Avenue Northeast, and Seventh Avenue Southeast
Outside of the City Limits, Central Specialties will begin paving County Highway 80 from Highway 10 near
the airport into town. The paving of the highway will be completed in three courses, for a total pavement
thickness of five inches. During paving operations, flaggers will be used to direct traffic along the roadway.
Please follow the direction of the flaggers during the activities to allow the construction equipment to
complete the compaction of the new pavement.
On the east side of the project, the reclaimers will be completing the final portion of the stabilizing
reclamation, working from near 450th Avenue to the intersection of Fifth Avenue East. The last phase of the
reclamation should be completed early in the week allowing time for the final grading and paving following
the completion of the paving on the west side of town.

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