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9-20-24 Project Update

Restoration continues on Main Street with various crews working on multiple phases throughout the
project. Outside of the City Limits, the Stabilized Full-Depth Reclamation was completed early this week on the east side of town. On Monday, Central Specialties began paving County Highway 80 from Highway 10 into town, finishing the first two lifts of pavement on Wednesday. Following the completion of the western rural section, Central Specialties paved the final one and a half inches of pavement on the various avenues in town that connect to Main Street. Thursday morning, they shifted to the east side of town and began paving the rural section from Highway 10 to Fifth Avenue East. Paving will continue throughout the day today and for a portion of Saturday to complete the second course of pavement on the east side, including the intersection of Seventh Avenue Northeast near the Industrial Park. In addition to the paving on Main Street, an additional pavement course will be constructed on Seventh Avenue Southeast south of Main Street near Crane Johnson. Please be aware that there may be minor delays near the paving activities and
follow the directions of the flaggers and other traffic control signage in the construction areas.

On Wednesday, Knife Lake Concrete arrived on site following grading of Phase 4 by Ottertail Aggregate.
Knife Lake constructed the curb and gutter from the intersection of First Avenue to Fourth Avenue West,
completing the construction on Thursday afternoon. Parson’s Electric continues to work on the power and
lighting throughout the final phase behind the concrete curb and gutter construction.

R.L. Larson has been working on cleanup throughout the project, sweeping roadways, adjusting various
valve covers, manhole covers, and other features to grade in preparation of upcoming pavement and
sidewalk construction.

Upcoming Activities
Next week on Phase 4, Ottertail Aggregate will continue hauling in the new aggregate base and grading the material for paving. Central Specialties will begin paving the final lift of pavement on County Highway 80 on the west side of town, starting near Highway 10. The final inch and a half of pavement will be constructed from west to east, ending at the intersection of Fourth Avenue West.

While paving activities are progressing west of town, R.L. Larson will be adjusting the manhole and valve
covers from Fifth Avenue East to Highway 10 east of town. Please use caution when traveling on the
section east of town, as the various covers will be above the pavement surface until Central Specialties can pave the final course on Tuesday. The paving on the east end will extend through the first phase, ending near the intersection of First Avenue. Please follow the directions of flaggers and pilot cars during the paving operations.

On Wednesday, Central Specialties will be shifting paving operations to Phase 4 and construct the bottom three and a half inches of pavement prior to the construction of sidewalks in the phase, similar to the phasing that occurred on Phase 1 this spring.

With the pending construction of the sidewalks on Phase 4, the existing snow fence and pavers will be
removed early next week. During the removal of the pavers and grading for the subbase of the new
sidewalk, there will be times when access to the front doors on Phase 4 will be limited. During the times of limited access, customers should review the mapping links on the Chamber’s Website and coordinate with businesses to use back door, or alternate entrances to the various businesses in the phase.

On Thursday, Knife Lake Concrete will return to the project to begin the construction of the new sidewalk. Similar to Phase 1, the concrete will be poured in multiple pours, with the “ribbon” sidewalk next to the buildings and outer edge next to the curb being poured separately from the colored walkable portion in the center. Businesses will be notified the day prior to the pouring of the walks, to prepare for alternative access. Sidewalk construction will be phased over the portion of two weeks following the arrival on site.

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