Arts & Entertainment

The Perham Area Public Library first opened its doors in 1921. Today, they have a beautiful, 8,000 square foot stone building with vaulted ceilings that is operated by a full- time librarian and 40 volunteer staff. Their mission is to serve the educational, informational, recreational, and cultural interests and needs of the community.
Through its association with the Viking Library System and telecommunications networking, the Perham Area Public Library serves as the community’s connecting link with the total library resources of the region, state, nation, and world.
There is also a lovely children’s library equipped with age-appropriate books, puzzles, computer games, small tables and stuffed puppets. They also have an extensive summer reading programs with activities throughout the summer for kids of all ages.
Every Wednesday during the summer, a crowd gathers around a paved ring to race turtles. Turtles have become a town mascot and we take pride in the quality of their care. This family-friendly event attracts thousands of racers from all over the world each summer. It is an experience that you won’t want to miss!
The Perham Center for the Arts is a former 100-year- old architectural marvel that hosts everything from musical productions to weddings and painting classes. Located in the old Saint Stanislaus Catholic Church, the Perham Center for the Arts kept the tradition of the church going with a new name and purpose. Now as a center for arts, the facility is a host to various events and activities based around arts, culture, and entertainment. From painting events to concerts to craft vendors, the Perham Center for the Arts puts an artistic flair on entertainment in the Perham Area.
The organization began in 1966 with the formation of the East Otter Tail Historical Society, and later the History Museum of East Otter Tail County, where artifact cataloging, and genealogical research are centered. Free self-guided tours and access to genealogy resources, including free access to, and a museum store are open year-round. The History Museum is located at 230 1st Ave. North, in the quaint stone building that was the library at one point. For more information, call 218-346-7678.
In Their Own Words Veterans Museum opened in 2006, based on oral histories of area veterans. Free self-guided tours are offered, and docent led tours are available for groups by appointment. In addition to the museum, the 14,000 square foot building hosts the HACA Art & Events Gallery. The mid-size venue with art gallery walls and audio-visual systems is used for a myriad of multi-media cultural events. The gallery hosts traveling exhibits, art classes, music, and theatrical events. It is also available for rent to the community. The building provides free meeting space for five veterans groups, an office for the Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans, an office for Pioneer Village, a food and beverage service area, and 2,000 square feet of commercial space. For more information call 218-346-7678.
The Regional Cultural Center in New York Mills is a rural hub for creativity, community vitality, and lifelong learning in the arts. The Cultural Center offers visitors intimate opportunities to encounter art and artists in the 80-seat concert listening room, two art galleries in a historic building, a gift store featuring local artists, an artist residency program, classes and workshops, a sculpture park, and a variety of opportunities to learn, grow, and thrive.
Perham’s Pioneer Village, a scenic 25 acre indoor and outdoor park-like venue dotted with historic structures, a bandstand, vintage ballroom, and kitchen building that is home to community events like Perham’s Pioneer Festival in August and Lights in the Pines in December. The property is owned by the City of Perham and is managed by History Arts and Cultural Association for community use.
Vendors of locally made or produced goods gather each Wednesday and Friday during the summer for a local farmers market. Buy local and buy fresh. Find more information at