4-5-24 Project Update
Project Update #2
Construction bids were received for the Main Street Reconstruction project on March 20th and a contract
was awarded by the City and County last week. The low bidder and contractor for the project is R.L. Larson
Excavating, Inc. of St. Cloud. For those of you that were around Main Street in 1996, the name may sound
familiar as it was the same contractor that replaced the watermain and street at that time.
Currently, contracts are being prepared for the improvements, and R.L. Larson has started the process of
providing submittals for the various construction materials that will be incorporated into the upcoming
construction. Next week, a Preconstruction Meeting will be held with the city, county, contractor, and
subcontractors to review the project, discuss the improvement schedule, and provide information on when
activities will commence. Next week’s update will include information regarding the proposed schedule and
when you will expect to see activity along the first phase of Main Street on the east side of downtown.
This week you may have received information regarding a Precondition Building Survey if you have
property in the downtown core (Fourth Avenue West to Third Avenue East). Braun Intertec, a geotechnical
consultant from Fargo, is completing the work on behalf of the City and County to assist in providing
information to the contractor regarding the condition of existing structures so additional care can be
provided along the reconstruction route.
Thank you to all properties that have returned the temporary construction easements that were sent out in
early March. If you still have the easement documents, please review, and return them to City Hall. The
proposed easements will allow the contractor to complete the sidewalk and utility replacement up to the
buildings in the downtown core. If you have any questions or are concerned about the need for an
easement near your property, please reach out to Jade Berube. His email address is found at the end of this
Next week’s project update will also provide information regarding the construction and public meeting
schedules that will occur throughout the project. The meetings will be summarized during the weekly
updates, but the public will also be welcome to attend. If you know of someone that is not on this project
email list, please have them contact one of the individuals listed below and we will get them added to the
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the City Engineer, Jade Berube, via email at
jade.berube@apexenggroup.com, or City Manager, Jonathan Smith at jsmith@cityofperham.com.
3-8-24 Project Update
Project Update #1
Welcome to the first update for the 2024 Main Street Project Construction.
Plans and Specifications are complete and have been out to contractors for bidding review since February
27th. Bids are set to be received on March 20th, with City and County action expected by the end of the
month. A preconstruction meeting will be held with the successful bidder during the first half of April,
where a schedule will be developed, and other project related information discussed.
This week, certain property owners along the project received information regarding Temporary
Construction Easements. These easements will allow the contractor to replace the sidewalk or other
improvements up to the edge of the building. Following the proposed improvements, the temporary
easements will expire. If you have any questions or are concerned about the need for an easement near
your property, please reach out to Jade Berube. His at the email address is found at the end of this update.
Weekly updates will occur throughout the upcoming construction season. They will be sent to everyone on
the email list to keep you informed of current and future activities along the project area. You can expect to
see them late in the week. If you know of someone that is not on this project email list, please have them
contact one of the individuals listed below and we will get you added.
Finally, although the meeting schedule may not work for everyone weekly meetings are also anticipated
and the public is welcome to attend. The schedule will be provided in future updates.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during the improvement project. If you have any questions,
feel free to contact the City Engineer, Jade Berube, via email at jade.berube@apexenggroup.com, or City
Manager, Jonathan Smith at jsmith@cityofperham.com.